Monday, April 23, 2012

Apple Home School Coolness

We aren't the richest Apple users however, I am asserting we are the coolest.
This is an iPod Shuffle Ring with Speaker a little something I built to inspire my student. Seriously many have thought about this one but as far as Google would allow me to see, I am the very first person to do it (actually make a wearable piece of metal finger ornamentation that plays music out loud and photograph it). This is four rings in one that fits three middle fingers (worn two fingered) on either hand. As an art jewelry maker this is the largest and loudest piece I have ever made!!!

Okay, we had to show how cool we are because we got upgraded to the iPad #2 (for free). Yes, I said for FREE. Remember the Apple Care that I have been calling upon since we bought the first iPad? Well, the higher ups immediately asked us to return it. We sent it back like this.

And got this including a refund of our remaining balance of Apple Care that was attached to the original iPad.

This happened March 26th, 2012. It has been really intense and until now I had no idea how to blog about it. Clearly, given my iPod Shuffle Ring with Speaker that I made yesterday (April 22, 2012) I am Apple ignited. Now, that we have the camera we have to list a bunch of photography apps AND we have some new super super yes super apps that can be added to any iPad... coming soon.

Here's a sketch that I made with Paper app by FiftyThree. I don't know about their in app purchases this image was made using the app for FREE. If one downloads it because it is free or because Apple recommended it, this app is exactly like what a digital Moleskine notebook would be. After one flips through the app's images blank pages can be added pushing the plus symbol and a tool bar with a few colors appears using an upward swipe of the lower edge of the Paper book's edge. (In app purchases upgrade the toolbar). Very cool for putting together ideas... clearly, I say get it and get inspired.

(I made this image while I waited for the pieces to arrive in the mail. I wasn't sure how the speaker would fit into the iPod or how it would sit on the hand. A great relief and therapy last week to get the idea out and moving before making the actual piece).

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