Friday, February 10, 2012

2012 Death Star Update

Yikes please forgive us, we dropped maintaining this blog every month! It is 2012 and nonetheless, we are still using the iPad daily. We bought the extra Apple Care. Good thing we did because we have had to have the cord replaced numerous times. Also honestly, we do have iPad 2 envy. My student wants a camera and it sure would have been nice to have one attached on our iPad. If someone is a cool genius they will make an app to activate a small portable camera to "snap on" the original models. Please feel free to contact us if and when because we would be perfect testers.

WARNING: The real inside information on handing your child an iPad for home school or entertainment: Be certain to use the restrictions settings. We don't have a lock on our iPad. But, I do have the restrictions code active. Recently, I have had to remove access and safari. It is super unsafe to just trust your child with any internet devise without checking things like their email. It is super important to discuss safety, identity and blinding signing up for any websites especially if one is not 18. I can't blame some sex site, facebook or even twitter if my under age student has signed up. Just thankful that I do check these things often, have conversations and enforce restrictions. It is good to discuss these things and not be blind sighted by overlooking the reality especially when accessing the internet. Also, parents keep in mind chat capacities like WORDS with Friends a game that randomly picks strangers and allows contact. I don't think it warrants paranoia but discussing proper usage is mandatory.

Our newest FREE apps:
MathSnacksHD This is a very cool app that doesn't require an internet connection. It uses video/animation to describe math concepts without being dry or boring. My student goes to this app on his own accord.
CountingMoney This app is great to keep counting skills sharp and honed.
TED My student loves this app because it is videos. I love it because it presents different ideas and thinking.
coloruncovered This app appeals to the artist in my teacher. It really is very informative and I actually need to explore it more to give it real justice. What I saw my student explore was spot on perfect so, I feel safe blindly recommending this for kids (anyone) who needs to know or think more about color.
Jamie Oliver Recipes We love his Food Revolution Movement. We haven't made anything, yet.
Epicurious This is for anyone who eats really good food and uses the word palette. Everything looks really super yummy. I think we will have to do our next entry showcasing this app so, we can get back into keeping our iPad home school usage hot and fresh!